Saturday, November 27, 2010

English Travels & Food (seriously abridged)

Ah! England & food. A perpetual joke to many. While many have negative things to say about English food, I didn't find it bad. I like a culture that embraces nutella and clotted cream. Seriously, how can you not love that! And they sure know how to make a roast, still...
even Vikings need a coke
and fries every now and again. Thank goodness for Mickey D's!
I however, didn't eat at McDonalds. I don't think I even ate there once. I remember eating at Burger King, Pizza Hut, and KFC (total let down as they don't have biscuits :( ) but not McDonalds. I mostly fed myself while I was studying at York and even when I travel I occasionally buy food and fix it myself (more pictures to come if requested). But this is the fridge in my dorm. I think that it was supposed to hold the food of about 6-8 people. The giant jar of red sauce is mine (spaghetti sauce which I would have added ground beef, onions, and garlic paste to) as is the small thing of milk on the door. The Utterly Butterly is not mine, sadly. Oh! And there is also yogurt (above the utterly butterly) on the door that is mine, most likely. I ate a lot of spaghetti as well as egg salad sandwiches that year. And a surprising amount of honey mustard chicken. My breakfast every morning was 3 slices of white bread (untoasted as we didn't have a toaster) with nutella on them, a banana, a yogurt, and a glass of juice or milk. (Ha! I say juice, but that meant dishes. I was not above drinking form the container.) And yet, despite this, I do miss it occasionally. But on the other hand, I'm totally psyched about the braised short ribs and the best mashed potatoes in the world that I'm making tomorrow night. That would not have been possible in this kitchen...or fridge.


Simon said...

Awwwwwwww, that fridge! I miss it so! Except not really. It was tiny. And that kitchen was awful. When I think back to the things I ate in it, I am humiliated.

The Viking pics never fail to crack me up.

Katie said...

I share your sentiments exactly. As I do most of the time when we are discussing things that are not bacon.

Question: How do you feel about British bacon? aka rashers?