My brother makes excellent poses at Christmas time (example above, ~2005). Anthony made it in this afternoon and brought his worldly sense of crazy with him. My parents will show up tomorrow and then the quintet of crazy will be complete.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Bandaids Attack
On choir tour in college we had secret angels and the idea was to secretly give gifts to your angel all during tour. We had no money, so we got creative. I don't remember if Keith was, in fact, Jared's secret angel, but every choir member had been given a bandaid to place somewhere on Jared's exterior sometime that day. It was highly amusing.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Three for the price of...two?
Some people should not be invited to weddings. Sometimes those people include me.
Mary wanted me to be short. That makes me sad and Mary have small lips.
Woah. Liz (the bride aka the one with the white dress that SHE made) is getting in on the crazy fun with Jessi.
PS. Sorry for not posting yesterday. I am not doing so well with this challenge :/
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Betsy, Julie, and I were co-couselors for the Girls in Science program and we may or may not have had some late night sword fights with other counselors. This was a minor variation of our team picture. Julie doesn't look nearly as weird as Betsy and I. I think it shows the extra crazy required to get Ph.Ds. (Betsy and I are both less than two years from finishing, I believe...)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas is coming
For some reason I was the only one excited about my New Zealand possum hat in Christmas 2004. I think this pose qualifies as an awkward family picture for many reasons...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Post-Marathon Blues
No permissions today either, but I made Ben dinner, so I figure we're even. Ben ran Grandma's marathon in 2006 and didn't shave from February through June in preparation. Then he sprayed blue hair spray on his beard to make it blue. All in all it wasn't a look he needs to recreate anytime soon... John and Chris didn't take NEARLY as drastic measures.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Reid asked for more pictures of other people...and I think he meant people he knew, but hey. I'm ditching my clause about asking for permission unless the pictures are super embarassing. Jeff was VERY excited about graduating (or graduation rehearsal at least) and Rachel and Gina were supporting him in the excitement) while Sarah just thought he was crazy.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Early Morning/Wet Hair Katie: Part 3
For the Epic Conclusion of this series, we have this stunning self-portrait, with Andy Exley in the background, taken in the middle of the fifth day on the Steven's Canyon trip when I got desperate and decided to jump into the pothole to swim/wash my hair. This is trust or foolishness, you know that right? Putting a picture of this on the interwebs. That is how much I care about you all and your well being/happiness.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Early Morning/Wet Hair Katie: Part 2
7am, the day after we hiked out of Steven's Canyon: In which I am exhausted, sore, ready for some breakfast, and about to open my eyes for the first time that morning. (Picture by Ben).
Friday, December 11, 2009
Early Morning/Wet Hair Katie: Part 1
Thus begins the series: This was in Switzerland on a goat farm and I'll admit I do not look nearly enthusiastic enough about the fresh butter and cheeses as well as the bread, yogurt, museli, coffee, tea, and cocoa that were our breakfast, but I attribute it to the wet hair. (Picture by Rachel M.)
Belated Post
Ben is really excited about being in Aialik Bay Public Use Cabin, about his dehydrated veggies, about the classy candle holders, and about his clean teeth.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sleepy Katie
At one point in my life (long ago!) I had really short hair, had to be at work at 8am and worked in a concrete room with no windows at all, but I was thanked for not smoking, so it was all ok.

To avoid work and wake myself up, sometimes I'd make an animal cracker zoo on my keyboard.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Unapproved Photo or Why my family is weird: Part 5
Warning: I am on day 4 of a I didn't ask the people in this photo for permission to post it...SORRY!

Christmas pictures in our family often look like this: Dad is excited about his Robert Shaw Chorale cd and Anthony is excited about having picked such a great cd in the first place.
Monday, December 7, 2009
This is what happens when you miscalculate the public transportation options (none?) and how long it will take you to bike (2.5 hours) and decide to ride a bike from Leeds to Harewood to a King's Singers concert because you promised you'd sell cds (and not steal £750).
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Startled Look
Ben has an unnatural talent for catching me on camera at awkward times, like this one...apparently whatever I'm reading (my new camera guide?) is very, very startling, in a somewhat boring way.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Not the typical walk on the beach
Walking around with a cane and a big boot normally isn't much fun, but I was probably envisioning the seals walking around with a cane and a big boot which would be even less fun.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Posing for a Goofy Picture
It's a good thing that we weren't models for the Turnagain Arm Tourist Board because I think Ben wouldn't have made the enthusiasm cut...
December Challenge
I missed December first, but my December Challenge is to post a picture a day. The pictures are to be embarrassing and/or silly. If they are not of me, I will get permission from the subject to post them here, especially if they are REALLY embarrassing. I am also not allowed to write more than one sentence of text to accompany the picture. So here goes....
November Statistics
For those of you who are interested, here's the statistics from Google Analytics for the month of November. Keep in mind that these statistics are only from my website, so if you read the blog via facebook or a RSS reader and don't click through to the original post, you aren't counted in these numbers.
Traffic was up 562.07% with 384 visits from 145 visitors. People read the blog from 15 countries, 26 states, and 84 cities. The average person spent 2.5 minutes on the site and only 35% of the visits were from new visitors.
With that in mind, I'm going to start a new challenge. I like seeing positive numbers in my Google Analytics account everyday. Even if they're small, one is greater than zero and somehow that has become exciting.
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