Monday, April 27, 2009

Back from my break

I've been out of town for several weeks, first in Boston at CHI, the big conference in my field and for the past two weeks in Southern Utah on a backpacking trip with friends.
Hopefully I'll get pictures and stories up soon, but here are some previews.
At the ocean with my cousin and two of his kids in Groton, CTLooking down to the Escalante River and Stevens Natural ArchAndy is a cavemanBen is going on a hikeReid, our fearless trip leader


Reid said...

That place on the shore does look like a good place to dispose of a body.

Katie said...

So does that rock behind you...

Simon said...

how did this get past me, i check your blog like every day! i guess it's been a crazy week. anyway, these pictures are magnificent and i can't wait for more!